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Chamber Music Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players




David Fulmer


Erica Lindsay


Daniel Zlatkin


Kevin Hickey


Noach Lundgren


Clint Needham


Jack Gulielmetti


Valerie Coleman


Leo Kraft


Chinary Ung


Mohammed Fairouz


Daniel Sonenberg


Diana McIntosh 


Dan Visconti


Hannah Lash


Jose Agustin Sanchez


Stephen Jaffe


George Tsontakis


Greg D’Alessio


Keith Fitch


Carl Schimmel


Richard Teitelbaum


Lydia Ayers


Judith Shatin


Conor Brown


Louis Karchin


Igor Golubev


Kati Agócs


Su Lian Tan


Gene Pritsker


Eric Chasalow


Chandler Carter


Shirish Korde


Alexander Radvilovitch


Boris Filanovski


Dmitriy Riabtsev


Elena Antonenko


Kirill Umansky


Kyle Gann


John Harbison







Chinary Ung




Daniel Wohl


Serge Tcherepnin


Harold Farberman


Martin Bresnick




Louis Karchin



Harold Meltzer




Penka Kouneva




Jonathan Leshnoff


Philippe Bodin


Larry Wallach


Paul Lansky



Carlos Carillo


Louis Karchin




Shirish Korde







David Lang


Su Lian Tan




Joan Tower




David Sanford




Peter Golub




Jeffrey Mumford




Gerald Levinson




Richard Wilson




Shulamit Ran





Gunther Schuller




John Gibson




Bruce Adolphe





Stephen Albert





Yehudi Wyner





George Perle





Bruce Adolphe




John Harbison





Leo Smith


John Corigliano



John Harbison


Bruce MacCombie


Joseph Schwantner


Tania León


Nicholas Maw









Louis Pelosi






Elie Yarden


Roger Briggs





Bruce Adolphe





Joseph Schwantner





David Chaitkin



Louise Talma


Theodore Antoniou



Charles Porter




William Thomas McKinley




Alvin Brehm



Judith Shatin Allen



Stephen Jaffe
A Nonesuch Serenade 

Quintet, commissioned by Warner Communications

Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

Quintet, commissioned by Chamber Music America with assistance from the Mary Flagler Cary Trust and the Jerome Foundation

James Greeson

Quintet, commissioned with a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts

Elie Yarden
"...(and yet, what if knowledge itself were delicious?)."
Bard College, 

May 17, 1984

Preston Trombly
...The Trumpets of Solitude... 

Quintet, commissioned by the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
McMillin Theatre December 8, 1982

George Perle
Sonata a quattro

Quartet, commissioned with a Consortium Commissioning Award from the National Endowment for the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall May 17, 1982

Chester Biscardi
Di Vivere

Quintet, commissioned with a National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Les Thimmig
Concerto for Six Players
Lawrence University

March 5, 1982

Joan Tower

Solo Clarinet
Merkin Concert Hall, December 4, 1981

*Philip Glass
Modern Love Waltz 

Alice Tully Hall

March 23, 1980

*George Perle




*Shulamit Ran
Private Game

Duo for clarinet and cello

*Joseph Schwantner
Wind, Willow, Whisper... 


*Joan Tower


*Charles Wuorinen



                                *The above six works were written for the 10th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players with commissioning grants from the Fromm Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, and Meet the Composer.


Ursula Mamlok
When Summer Sang

Rutgers University April 27, 1980

Ronald Roseman
Three Psalms 

Quartet plus soprano
Carnegie Recital Hall April 18, 1979

Louise Talma

Quintet plus tenor

Miriam Gideon
Voices from Elysium

Quintet plus tenor

Bruce Taub

Carnegie Recital Hall February 14, 1979

Joan Tower

Quintet, commissioned by the Contemporary Music Society
Carnegie Recital Hall January 11, 1978

Shulamit Ran
For an Actor--Monologue for Clarinet
Carnegie Recital Hall May 10, 1978

Leo Kraft

Quartet plus electronic sounds, commissioned by the Chamber Music Society of Baltimore
Baltimore Museum of Art May 15, 1977

Francis Thorne
Head Music

Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1977

Elie Yarden


Andrew Thomas
How the News Was Spread 

Quintet, commissioned by the Thorne Fund for Music and the New York State Council on the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall March 16, 1977

Robert Helps

National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall January 12, 1977

Preston Trombly
The Windmills of Paris 

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall April 12, 1976

Paul Lansky

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Claudio Spies
Shirim Le Hathunatham

Quintet plus soprano, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital hall April 21, 1976

Joan Tower
Breakfast Rhythms 

Clarinet solo plus five instruments
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Elaine Barkin
Prim Cycles

Carnegie Recital Hall December 20, 1973

Jeffrey Kresky
Aria Da Capo



Rolv Yttrehus
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Milton Babbitt
Arie Da Capo

Quintet, commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall, 

April 25, 1974

Harvey Sollberger
Riding the Wind I

Solo flute with four instruments,

commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall

April 25, 1974

Bruce Taub
Quintet I
Carnegie Recital Hall February 9, 1973

Erik Lundborg
Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1973

Thomas James
String and Wind Quartet
Greenwich House

March 30, 1972

Joan Tower

Solo flute
New York University February 26, 1972

Stanley Persky

Quintet plus electronic sounds
Greenwich House February 24, 1972

Joan Tower
Prelude for Five Players
Carnegie Recital Hall October 22, 1971




Further Explorations




if blues were green

Toccatas, Recits, & Aria

Pipe Dream

Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

To Whom It May Concern

Singing Inside Aura

Pierrot lunaire


For Your Tomorrow 

The Clear Light 

Subtilior, Lamento 

Negra Nochezzolla 



Al Segno 

Midnight Rounds 

Four Nocturnes from “The Oblivion Ha-ha” 



Spring Tides

Cloud Forest 

The Gods of Winter

Sparkling Thirds

Immutable Dreams 

Creature to Man 

Self Laceration 

Flute Concerto 

Conversation Piece 

Song Cycle on the Life of Phoolan Devi 

Pierrot’s Dreams 

We Can’t Perform It 

Enchanted Lake II 


Winter Landscape

The Day Revisited


Songs America Loves to Sing

Commissioned with an award from the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University. (A joint 
commission with the Atlanta Chamber Players)



Commissioned by the Mary Flagler Cary 
Charitable Trust


5 Chemical Elements


look up firefly the night is calling



My Twentieth Century (text by Tom Andrews)

A Millennium Commissioning Project of CHAMBER MUSIC AMERICA


Written for Patricia Spencer


Written for Paul Sperry and the Da Capo Chamber Players

Climbing the Ladder of Unraveling Rope

Commissioned with a grant from MEET THE COMPOSER




Odd Moments

for George Perle for his 85th Anniversary 

De la brevedad de la vida

American Visions (two songs on poems of Yevgeny Yevtushenko)  Commissioned with a grant from New York University


Chamber opera for soprano, chamber ensemble, tabla, tape, chorus, dancers, and actors. Co-produced with Holy Cross College theatre ensemble and the New York Virtuoso Singers.

Dance Drop (Revised instrumentation)

Invention and Sinfonia

Trio for flute, cello, piano

Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players

Très lent

For cello and piano

Written for André Emelianoff

From Behind a Red Light

For solo cello, narrator and dancer

Written for André Emelianoff

Now Be Witness Again

For solo flute and actors

Written for Patricia Spencer

a diffuse light that knows no particular hour

Quintet, commissioned for Da Capo by the Amphion Foundation


Trio for cello, piano, and percussion; 
commissioned by André Emelianoff


Quintet for Da Capo, commissioned by Chamber Music America


Quintet, commissioned for Da Capo by National Endowment for the Arts Consortium Commissioning Program

Paradigm Exchanges

Quintet, commissioned for Da Capo by the New York State Council on the Arts


Quintet, commissioned by the Jerome Foundation


Quintet, written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players

Rilke Song

Quintet and soprano, written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players

Changing Times

Quintet, written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players

Andante Tranquillo

Quintet, written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players

Machaut is my Beginning

Quintet, based on Machaut's "Ma fin est mon commencement"

November 19, 1828

Quartet, commissioned by National Endowment for the Arts Consortium Commissioning Program 

Afrikan Genesis 


For Joan on her 50th+


Minuet from Short Suite+ 


Fifty Bars for Joan+ 


Tower Power+ 


Parajota Delaté+


+The above five works were commissioned by the Da Capo Chamber Players as musical greetings for composer Joan Tower, in celebration of her 50th Anniversary.

Ghost Dances: Imaginary Ballet for Five Players

Dedicated to the members of the Nash Ensemble of London and the Da Capo Chamber Players of New York, for whom it was jointly written

Elegiac Quintet

Entering New Spaces

Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players on the occasion of the dedication of the F. W. Olin Humanities Building, Bard College

Chamber Music

Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players in celebration of the bicentennial of Franklin and Marshall College


Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players with assistance from the C. Michael Paul Foundation


Commissioned with grants from the New York State Council on the Arts and from Broadcast Music, Inc.

The Ambient Air



Quintet, written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday

Cyclic Celebration

Quintet, written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday

March Symphony


La Bocca della Verita

Carnegie Recital Hall, May 1, 1984

Judith Shatin Allen


Stephen Jaffe
A Nonesuch Serenade 

Quintet, commissioned by Warner Communications

Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

Quintet, commissioned by Chamber Music America with assistance from the Mary Flagler Cary Trust and the Jerome Foundation

James Greeson

Quintet, commissioned with a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts

Elie Yarden
"...(and yet, what if knowledge itself were delicious?)."
Bard College, 

May 17, 1984

Preston Trombly
...The Trumpets of Solitude... 

Quintet, commissioned by the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
McMillin Theatre December 8, 1982

George Perle
Sonata a quattro

Quartet, commissioned with a Consortium Commissioning Award from the National Endowment for the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall May 17, 1982

Chester Biscardi
Di Vivere

Quintet, commissioned with a National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Les Thimmig
Concerto for Six Players
Lawrence University

March 5, 1982

Joan Tower

Solo Clarinet
Merkin Concert Hall, December 4, 1981

*Philip Glass
Modern Love Waltz 

Alice Tully Hall

March 23, 1980

*George Perle




*Shulamit Ran
Private Game

Duo for clarinet and cello

*Joseph Schwantner
Wind, Willow, Whisper... 


*Joan Tower


*Charles Wuorinen



                                *The above six works were written for the 10th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players with commissioning grants from the Fromm Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, and Meet the Composer.


Ursula Mamlok
When Summer Sang

Rutgers University April 27, 1980

Ronald Roseman
Three Psalms 

Quartet plus soprano
Carnegie Recital Hall April 18, 1979

Louise Talma

Quintet plus tenor

Miriam Gideon
Voices from Elysium

Quintet plus tenor

Bruce Taub

Carnegie Recital Hall February 14, 1979

Joan Tower

Quintet, commissioned by the Contemporary Music Society
Carnegie Recital Hall January 11, 1978

Shulamit Ran
For an Actor--Monologue for Clarinet
Carnegie Recital Hall May 10, 1978

Leo Kraft

Quartet plus electronic sounds, commissioned by the Chamber Music Society of Baltimore
Baltimore Museum of Art May 15, 1977

Francis Thorne
Head Music

Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1977

Elie Yarden


Andrew Thomas
How the News Was Spread 

Quintet, commissioned by the Thorne Fund for Music and the New York State Council on the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall March 16, 1977

Robert Helps

National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall January 12, 1977

Preston Trombly
The Windmills of Paris 

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall April 12, 1976

Paul Lansky

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Claudio Spies
Shirim Le Hathunatham

Quintet plus soprano, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital hall April 21, 1976

Joan Tower
Breakfast Rhythms 

Clarinet solo plus five instruments
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Elaine Barkin
Prim Cycles

Carnegie Recital Hall December 20, 1973

Jeffrey Kresky
Aria Da Capo



Rolv Yttrehus
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Milton Babbitt
Arie Da Capo

Quintet, commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall, 

April 25, 1974

Harvey Sollberger
Riding the Wind I

Solo flute with four instruments,

commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall

April 25, 1974

Bruce Taub
Quintet I
Carnegie Recital Hall February 9, 1973

Erik Lundborg
Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1973

Thomas James
String and Wind Quartet
Greenwich House

March 30, 1972

Joan Tower

Solo flute
New York University February 26, 1972

Stanley Persky

Quintet plus electronic sounds
Greenwich House February 24, 1972

Joan Tower
Prelude for Five Players
Carnegie Recital Hall October 22, 1971



Merkin Concert Hall, October 1, 2015


Bitó Conservatory, Bard College, March 9, 2015

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College, March 9, 2015

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College, March 9, 2015

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College, March 9, 2015

Merkin Concert Hall, June 8, 2014

Merkin Concert Hall, June 8, 2014

Symphony Space, April 7, 2014

Merkin Concert Hall, February 16, 2014

Merkin Concert Hall, September 28, 2013

Merkin Concert Hall, June 6, 2013

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College, March 11, 2013

Groundswell New Music Now, Winnipeg, Canada,  May 11, 2012

Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, May 2, 2012

Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, May 2, 2012

Bard Hall, Bard College, February 22, 2012

Merkin Concert Hall, October 10, 2011

Merkin Concert Hall, June 2, 2011

Cleveland Institute of Music, October 28, 2010

Cleveland Institute of Music, October 28, 2010

Merkin Concert Hall, June 2, 2010

Merkin Concert Hall, June 1, 2009

Merkin Concert Hall, June 1, 2009

Merkin Concert Hall, June 1, 2009

Merkin Concert Hall, September 15, 2008

Zoellner Arts Center, Lehigh University, February 9, 2008

Dom Kompositorov, Moscow, November 26, 2007

Merkin Concert Hall, January 28, 2007 

Tribeca Performing Arts Center, NYC, December 2, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, November 21, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, November 21, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, November 21, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, June 6, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, March 7, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, March 7, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, March 7, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, March 7, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, March 7, 2006

Knitting Factory, NYC, January 24, 2006

Merkin Concert Hall, November 16, 2004 (NY premiere)







Merkin Concert Hall, November 16, 2004



Olin Hall, Bard College, April 21, 2004

Olin Hall, Bard College, April 21, 2004

Olin Hall, Bard College, April 21, 2004


Miller Theatre, March 4, 2002



The Knitting Factory, November 11, 2001


The Knitting Factory, November 11, 2001




The Knitting Factory,  November 11, 2001



The Great Hall of the Cooper Union, October 23, 2000

Washington Square United Methodist Church, June 1, 2000

Olin Hall, Bard College, May 7, 2000

The Great Hall of the Cooper Union, November 30, 1999


Anthology Film Archives, April 6, 1999

Olin Hall, Bard College, January 29, 1999



Miller Theatre, October 25, 1998






Christ & St. Stephen’s Church December 10, 1997

CUNY Graduate Center, May 22, 1996



Merkin Concert Hall, May 8, 1994



Merkin Concert Hall, May 8, 1994



Merkin Concert Hall, November 14, 1993



Merkin Concert Hall, November 25, 1991




Kathryn Bache Miller Theatre, March 11, 1992

92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991

92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991



92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991




92nd Street Y,March 7, 1991




92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991




92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991





92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991





92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991





92nd Street Y, March 7, 1991




Bard College, February 7, 1990




Bard College, February 7, 1990




Bard College, December 6, 1989


Merkin Concert Hall, October 24, 1988


Merkin Concert Hall, October 24, 1988


Merkin Concert Hall, October 24, 1988


Merkin Concert Hall, October 24, 1988


Merkin Concert Hall, October 24, 1988







Merkin Concert Hall, May 16, 1988





West Virginia University, April 11, 1988


Bard College, October 9, 1987




Franklin and Marshall College, April 10, 1987



Merkin Concert Hall, May 4, 1987

Joseph Schwantner
Distant Runes and Incantations 

Written with an NEA Consortium Commissioning Award to the Da Capo Chamber Players, the Twentieth Century Consort, and the Boston Musica Viva

for piano, flute (picc, alto), clar (b cl), percussion and string quartet.
Merkin Concert Hall,

May 4, 1987

David Chaitkin

Commissioned with grants from the New York State Council on the Arts and from Broadcast Music, Inc.
Carnegie Recital Hall, January 31, 1986

Louise Talma
The Ambient Air

Symphony Space

October 16, 1984

Theodore Antoniou

Quintet, written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday
Carnegie Recital Hall, January 18, 1985

Charles Porter
Cyclic Celebration

Quintet, written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday

William Thomas McKinley
March Symphony

Jordan Hall, Boston January 21, 1985

Alvin Brehm
La Bocca della Verita

Carnegie Recital Hall, May 1, 1984

Judith Shatin Allen


Stephen Jaffe
A Nonesuch Serenade 

Quintet, commissioned by Warner Communications

Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

Quintet, commissioned by Chamber Music America with assistance from the Mary Flagler Cary Trust and the Jerome Foundation

James Greeson

Quintet, commissioned with a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts

Elie Yarden
"...(and yet, what if knowledge itself were delicious?)."
Bard College, 

May 17, 1984

Preston Trombly
...The Trumpets of Solitude... 

Quintet, commissioned by the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
McMillin Theatre December 8, 1982

George Perle
Sonata a quattro

Quartet, commissioned with a Consortium Commissioning Award from the National Endowment for the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall May 17, 1982

Chester Biscardi
Di Vivere

Quintet, commissioned with a National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Les Thimmig
Concerto for Six Players
Lawrence University

March 5, 1982

Joan Tower

Solo Clarinet
Merkin Concert Hall, December 4, 1981

*Philip Glass
Modern Love Waltz 

Alice Tully Hall

March 23, 1980

*George Perle




*Shulamit Ran
Private Game

Duo for clarinet and cello

*Joseph Schwantner
Wind, Willow, Whisper... 


*Joan Tower


*Charles Wuorinen



                                *The above six works were written for the 10th Anniversary of the Da Capo Chamber Players with commissioning grants from the Fromm Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, and Meet the Composer.


Ursula Mamlok
When Summer Sang

Rutgers University April 27, 1980

Ronald Roseman
Three Psalms 

Quartet plus soprano
Carnegie Recital Hall April 18, 1979

Louise Talma

Quintet plus tenor

Miriam Gideon
Voices from Elysium

Quintet plus tenor

Bruce Taub

Carnegie Recital Hall February 14, 1979

Joan Tower

Quintet, commissioned by the Contemporary Music Society
Carnegie Recital Hall January 11, 1978

Shulamit Ran
For an Actor--Monologue for Clarinet
Carnegie Recital Hall May 10, 1978

Leo Kraft

Quartet plus electronic sounds, commissioned by the Chamber Music Society of Baltimore
Baltimore Museum of Art May 15, 1977

Francis Thorne
Head Music

Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1977

Elie Yarden


Andrew Thomas
How the News Was Spread 

Quintet, commissioned by the Thorne Fund for Music and the New York State Council on the Arts
Carnegie Recital Hall March 16, 1977

Robert Helps

National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall January 12, 1977

Preston Trombly
The Windmills of Paris 

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital Hall April 12, 1976

Paul Lansky

Quintet, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Claudio Spies
Shirim Le Hathunatham

Quintet plus soprano, National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship
Carnegie Recital hall April 21, 1976

Joan Tower
Breakfast Rhythms 

Clarinet solo plus five instruments
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Elaine Barkin
Prim Cycles

Carnegie Recital Hall December 20, 1973

Jeffrey Kresky
Aria Da Capo



Rolv Yttrehus
Town Hall, February 4, 1974

Milton Babbitt
Arie Da Capo

Quintet, commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall, 

April 25, 1974

Harvey Sollberger
Riding the Wind I

Solo flute with four instruments,

commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation for the winners of the Chamber Music Award
Alice Tully Hall

April 25, 1974

Bruce Taub
Quintet I
Carnegie Recital Hall February 9, 1973

Erik Lundborg
Carnegie Recital Hall May 4, 1973

Thomas James
String and Wind Quartet
Greenwich House

March 30, 1972

Joan Tower

Solo flute
New York University February 26, 1972

Stanley Persky

Quintet plus electronic sounds
Greenwich House February 24, 1972

Joan Tower
Prelude for Five Players
Carnegie Recital Hall October 22, 1971

Composer  •  Title  •  Commission   •  Venue  •  Premiere Date


George Walker 

Tangents (1999; arr. 2020 by David Sanford) – World Premiere

of transcription for the Da Capo Chamber Players                   

'Remembering George Walker'

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC 

February 12, 2020                                                                                 


Joan Tower

Looking Back (2018) – World Premiere

Sosnoff Hall/Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson 

September 16, 2018 


Cary Hall/DiMenna Center for Classical Music

450 West 37th St., NYC

September 9, 2018


Dylan Mattingly

Ecstasy #3 (2018) – World Premiere

'The Exploding New York Musical Spectrum'

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC 

June 4, 2018


Jonathan Dawe 

On Again, Ockeghem (2018) – World Premiere

'Celebrating Charles Wuorinen’s 80th Year'

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

April 12, 2018     


Christian Li 

  Loop Music (2017) – World Premiere

Mike Bono

  Sunday (2017) – World Premiere                             

Scott Lee 

  Bottom Heavy (2014) – NY Premiere                                 

Pascal Le Boeuf

  Media Control (2017) Premiere of Revised Version

'Young Composers Abound II'

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

September 18, 2017


Martín Gendelman

Shapes of the Wind (2016) – Premiere of revised version

'On the Verge series'

Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA

September 20, 2016


Tania León

One Mo’ Time (2016)  – World Premiere

'Gala 45th Anniversary Concert'

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 23, 2016,


David Fulmer


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

October 1, 2015


Erica Lindsay

Further Explorations

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College

March 9, 2015


Daniel Zlatkin


Bitó Conservatory, Bard College

March 9, 2015


Kevin Hickey


Bitó Conservatory, Bard College

March 9, 2015


Noach Lundgren

if blues were green

Bitó Conservatory, Bard College

March 9, 2015


Sid Richardson

Astrolabe (2014)

Rehearsal, recording of pieces by Duke University 

graduate composers

Duke University, Durham, NC

November 10, 2014


Clint Needham

Toccatas, Recits, & Aria

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 8, 2014


Jack Gulielmetti

Pipe Dream

Merkin Concert Hall

June 8, 2014


Valerie Coleman

Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes

Symphony Space, NYC

April 7, 2014


Leo Kraft

To Whom It May Concern

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

February 16, 2014


Chinary Ung

Singing Inside Aura

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

September 28, 2013


Mohammed Fairouz

Pierrot lunaire

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 6, 2013


Daniel Sonenberg


Bitó Conservatory, Bard College

March 11, 2013


Diana McIntosh

For Your Tomorrow

Groundswell New Music Now, Winnipeg, Canada

May 11, 2012


Dan Visconti

The Clear Light

Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, NYC

May 2, 2012


Hannah Lash

Subtilior, Lamento

Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, NYC

May 2, 2012


Jose Agustin Sanchez

Negra Nochezzolla

Bard Hall, Bard College

February 22, 2012


Stephen Jaffe


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

October 10, 2011


George Tsontakis


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 2, 2011


Greg D’Alessio

Al Segno

Cleveland Institute of Music

October 28, 2010


Keith Fitch

Midnight Rounds

Cleveland Institute of Music

October 28, 2010


Carl Schimmel

Four Nocturnes from “The Oblivion Ha-ha”

Merkin Concert Hall

June 2, 2010


Richard Teitelbaum


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 1, 2009


Lydia Ayers


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 1, 2009


Judith Shatin

Spring Tides

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 1, 2009


Conor Brown

Cloud Forest

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

September 15, 2008


Louis Karchin

The Gods of Winter

Zoellner Arts Center, Lehigh University

February 9, 2008


Igor Golubev

Sparkling Thirds

Dom Kompositorov, Moscow

November 26, 2007


Kati Agócs

Immutable Dreams

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

January 28, 2007


Su Lian Tan

Creature to Man

Tribeca Performing Arts Center, NYC

December 2, 2006


Gene Pritsker

Self Laceration

Merkin Concert Hall

November 21, 2006


Eric Chasalow

Flute Concerto

Merkin Concert Hall

November 21, 2006


Chandler Carter

Conversation Piece

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

November 21, 2006


Shirish Korde

Song Cycle on the Life of Phoolan Devi

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

June 6, 2006


Alexander Radvilovitch

Pierrot’s Dreams

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

March 7, 2006


Boris Filanovski

We Can’t Perform It

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

March 7, 2006


Dmitriy Riabtsev

Enchanted Lake II

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

March 7, 2006


Elena Antonenko


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

March 7, 2006


Kirill Umansky

Winter Landscape

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

March 7, 2006


Kyle Gann

The Day Revisited

Knitting Factory, NYC

January 24, 2006


John Harbison

Songs America Loves to Sing

Commissioned with an award from the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University. (A joint commission with the Atlanta Chamber Players)

Merkin Concert Hall

November 16, 2004 (NY premiere)


Chinary Ung


Commissioned by the Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

November 16, 2004


Daniel Wohl

5 Chemical Elements

Olin Hall, Bard College

April 21, 2004


Serge Tcherepnin

look up firefly the night is calling

Olin Hall, Bard College

April 21, 2004


Harold Farberman


Olin Hall, Bard College

April 21, 2004


Martin Bresnick

My Twentieth Century (text by Tom Andrews)

A Millennium Commissioning Project of CHAMBER MUSIC AMERICA

Miller Theatre, NYC

March 4, 2002


Louis Karchin


Written for Patricia Spencer

The Knitting Factory, NYC

November 11, 2001


Harold Meltzer


Written for Paul Sperry and the Da Capo Chamber Players

The Knitting Factory, NYC

November 11, 2001


Penka Kouneva

Climbing the Ladder of Unraveling Rope

Commissioned with a grant from MEET THE COMPOSER

The Knitting Factory, NYC

November 11, 2001


Jonathan Leshnoff


The Great Hall of the Cooper Union, NYC

October 23, 2000


Philippe Bodin


Washington Square United Methodist Church, NYC

June 1, 2000


Larry Wallach


Olin Hall, Bard College

May 7, 2000


Paul Lansky

Odd Moments

for George Perle for his 85th Anniversary

The Great Hall of the Cooper Union, NYC

November 30, 1999


Carlos Carillo

De la brevedad de la vida

Anthology Film Archives, NYC

April 6, 1999


Louis Karchin

American Visions (two songs on poems of Yevgeny Yevtushenko) 

Commissioned with a grant from New York University

Olin Hall, Bard College

January 29, 1999


Shirish Korde


Chamber opera for soprano, chamber ensemble, tabla, tape, chorus, dancers, and actors. Co-produced with Holy Cross College theatre ensemble and the New York Virtuoso Singers.

Miller Theatre, NYC

October 25, 1998


David Lang

Dance Drop (Revised instrumentation)

Christ & St. Stephen’s Church, NYC

December 10, 1997


Su Lian Tan

Invention and Sinfonia

Trio for flute, cello, piano

written for the Da Capo Chamber Players

CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

May 22, 1996


Joan Tower

Très lent

For cello and piano

Written for André Emelianoff

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 8, 1994


David Sanford

From Behind a Red Light

For solo cello, narrator and dancer

written for André Emelianoff

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 8, 1994


Peter Golub

Now Be Witness Again

For solo flute and actors

written for Patricia Spencer

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

November 14, 1993


Jeffrey Mumford

a diffuse light that knows no particular hour

Quintet commissioned for Da Capo by the Amphion Foundation

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

November 25, 1991


Gerald Levinson


Trio for cello, piano, and percussion

commissioned by André Emelianoff

Kathryn Bache Miller Theatre, NYC

March 11, 1992


Richard Wilson


Quintet for Da Capo

commissioned by Chamber Music America

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


Shulamit Ran



commissioned for Da Capo by National Endowment for the Arts Consortium Commissioning Program

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


Gunther Schuller

Paradigm Exchanges


commissioned for Da Capo by the New York State Council
on the Arts

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


John Gibson



commissioned by the Jerome Foundation

92nd Street Y

March 7, 1991


Bruce Adolphe


written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the
Da Capo Chamber Players

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


Stephen Albert

Rilke Song

Quintet and soprano

written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the
Da Capo Chamber Players

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


Yehudi Wyner

Changing Times


written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the
Da Capo Chamber Players

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


George Perle

Andante Tranquillo

Quintet written in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the
Da Capo Chamber Players

92nd Street Y, NYC

March 7, 1991


Bruce Adolphe

Machaut is my Beginning

Quintet, based on Machaut's Ma fin est mon commencement

Bard College

February 7, 1990


John Harbison

November 19, 1828


commissioned by National Endowment for the Arts
Consortium Commissioning Program

Bard College

February 7, 1990


Leo Smith

Afrikan Genesis


Bard College

December 6, 1989


John Corigliano

For Joan on her 50th +


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

October 24, 1988


John Harbison

Minuet from Short Suite +


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

October 24, 1988


Bruce MacCombie

Fifty Bars for Joan +


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

October 24, 1988


Joseph Schwantner

Tower Power +


Merkin Concert Hall​, NYC

October 24, 1988


Tania León

Parajota Delaté +


Merkin Concert Hall, NYC
October 24, 1988


The above five works were commissioned by the Da Capo Chamber Players as musical greetings for composer Joan Tower,
in celebration of her 50th Anniversary.


Nicholas Maw

Ghost Dances: Imaginary Ballet for Five Players

Dedicated to the members of the Nash Ensemble of London and the Da Capo Chamber Players of New York, for whom it was jointly written

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 16, 1988


Louis Pelosi

Elegiac Quintet

West Virginia University, WV

April 11, 1988


Elie Yarden

Entering New Spaces

written for the Da Capo Chamber Players on the occasion
of the dedication of the F. W. Olin Humanities Building,
Bard College

October 9, 1987


Roger Briggs

Chamber Music

written for the Da Capo Chamber Players in celebration of the
bicentennial of Franklin and Marshall College

Franklin and Marshall College

April 10, 1987


Bruce Adolphe


Written for the Da Capo Chamber Players with assistance from
the C. Michael Paul Foundation

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 4, 1987


Joseph Schwantner

Distant Runes and Incantations

Written with an NEA Consortium Commissioning Award to the
Da Capo Chamber Players, the Twentieth Century Consort, and the Boston Musica Viva for piano, flute (picc, alto), clar (b cl), percussion and string quartet.

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

May 4, 1987


David Chaitkin


Commissioned with grants from the New York State Council on the Arts and from Broadcast Music, Inc.

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

January 31, 1986


Louise Talma

The Ambient Air


Symphony Space, NYC

October 16, 1984


Theodore Antoniou



written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

January 18, 1985


Charles Porter

Cyclic Celebration


written for concert celebrating George Perle's 70th birthday

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

January 18, 1985


William Thomas McKinley

March Symphony


Jordan Hall, Boston

January 21, 1985


Alvin Brehm

La Bocca della Verita


Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 1, 1984


Judith Shatin Allen



Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 1, 1984


Stephen Jaffe

A Nonesuch Serenade


commissioned by Warner Communications

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 1, 1984


Ellen Taaffe Zwilich


Quintetmcommissioned by Chamber Music America
with assistance from the Mary Flagler Cary Trust and the
Jerome Foundation

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 1, 1984


James Greeson


Quintet commissioned with a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 1, 1984


Elie Yarden

"...(and yet, what if knowledge itself were delicious?)."

Bard College

May 17, 1984


Preston Trombly

...The Trumpets of Solitude...


commissioned by the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center

McMillin Theatre, NYC

December 8, 1982


George Perle

Sonata a quattro


commissioned with a Consortium Commissioning Award
from the National Endowment for the Arts

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 17, 1982


Chester Biscardi

Di Vivere


commissioned with a National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 17, 1982


Les Thimmig

Concerto for Six Players

Lawrence University

March 5, 1982


Joan Tower


Solo Clarinet

Merkin Concert Hall, NYC

December 4, 1981


Philip Glass

Modern Love Waltz *


Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


George Perle

Scherzo *


Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


Shulamit Ran

Private Game *

Duo for clarinet and cello

Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


Joseph Schwantner

Wind, Willow, Whisper... *


Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


Joan Tower

Petroushskates *


Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


Charles Wuorinen

Joan's *


Alice Tully Hall, NYC

March 23, 1980


* The above six works were written for the 10th Anniversary of the
Da Capo Chamber Players with commissioning grants from the
Fromm Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, and
Meet the Composer.


Ursula Mamlok

When Summer Sang


Rutgers University

April 27, 1980


Ronald Roseman

Three Psalms

Quartet plus soprano

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

April 18, 1979


Louise Talma


Quintet plus tenor

Carnegie Recital Hal, NYCl

April 18, 1979


Miriam Gideon

Voices from Elysium

Quintet plus tenor

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

April 18, 1979


Bruce Taub



Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

February 14, 1979


Joan Tower



commissioned by the Contemporary Music Society

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

January 11, 1978


Shulamit Ran

For an Actor – Monologue for Clarinet

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 10, 1978


Leo Kraft


Quartet plus electronic sounds

commissioned by the Chamber Music Society of Baltimore

Baltimore Museum of Art

May 15, 1977


Francis Thorne

Head Music


Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 4, 1977


Elie Yarden



Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 4, 1977


Andrew Thomas

How the News Was Spread


commissioned by the Thorne Fund for Music and the
New York State Council on the Arts

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

March 16, 1977


Robert Helps


National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

January 12, 1977


Preston Trombly

The Windmills of Paris

National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

April 12, 1976


Paul Lansky



National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

April 12, 1976


Claudio Spies

Shirim Le Hathunatham

Quintet plus soprano
National Endowment for the Arts Composer Fellowship

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

April 21, 1976


Joan Tower

Breakfast Rhythms

Clarinet solo plus five instruments

Town Hall, NYC

February 4, 1974


Elaine Barkin

Prim Cycles


Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

December 20, 1973


Jeffrey Kresky

Aria Da Capo


Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

December 20, 1973


Rolv Yttrehus


Town Hall

February 4, 1974


Milton Babbitt

Arie Da Capo


commissioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation
for the winners of the Chamber Music Award

Alice Tully Hall

April 25, 1974


Harvey Sollberger

Riding the Wind I

Solo flute with four instruments,

commis­sioned by the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation
for the winners of the Chamber Music Award

Alice Tully Hall, NYC

April 25, 1974


Bruce Taub

Quintet I

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

February 9, 1973


Erik Lundborg


Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

May 4, 1973


Thomas James

String and Wind Quartet

Greenwich House, NYC

March 30, 1972


Joan Tower


Solo flute

New York University, NYC

February 26, 1972


Stanley Persky


Quintet plus electronic sounds

Greenwich House, NYC

February 24, 1972


Joan Tower

Prelude for Five Players

Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC

October 22, 1971

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